We are B Corp certified!
Proudly part of the B Corp community
Greenspeed is a certified B Corp company which means we are part of a global community of companies that meet high environmental impact standards.
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Did you know that coral is the key to a healthy ocean? It accommodates millions of marine animals and protects our coastline. Unfortunately, coral is under enormous pressure from climate change and pollution.
That's why we're joining forces with Go Ocean, an organisation dedicated to restoring marine ecosystems, including coral. By choosing Probio Tabs, you contribute directly to its coral reef restoration project in close cooperation with the local population.
Want to find out more? Click here to dive deeper into our journey to coral restoration.
Greenspeed products obtained several certificates through in-depth screening.
So green is not only in our name, it is in our DNA.
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We operate globally in more than 30 countries and want to share our passion with you. Let's clean the world with care, together