A first in the French business world
22/01/2021 - Floor Loos
Regio Nettoyage first French company to receive EU Ecolabel
Regio Nettoyage is based in Colmar and Mulhouse and has offered professional cleaning services for over 25 years. In 2019, it was the first French company to receive the EU Ecolabel. The company specialises in ecological cleaning services and is committed to using only ecological products with respect for people and the environment. This makes it an ideal match for Greenspeed!
Mr Meyer: "Because ecology is our priority, we are committed to using environmentally friendly products. We are aware of the environmental problems that can arise from the use of chemical products. We therefore only use cleaning products with an ecolabel, as these are guaranteed to meet high requirements for reducing the impact on the environment while maintaining the required performance levels."
Regio Nettoyage is proud to be the first French company to receive the EU Ecolabel, awarded for its 'regular buildings maintenance' services. The EU Ecolabel ensures a reduced environmental impact and specific requirements in terms of sustainable development, taking into account a product's entire life cycle - from production to use to waste.
Greenspeed helps you get started
To set itself apart, Regio Nettoyage opted for products developed in France from natural sources and with respect for the environment. The company also prefers products without hazard symbols, with an ecolabel and which are based on organic materials or recycled plastic. The Greenspeed product range fully meets these specifications and has helped Regio Nettoyage to earn the EU Ecolabel.
Mr Meyer: "For our company, cleanliness is more than just a service. It is also a means of respecting our environment while ensuring the well-being of our customers."
Regio Nettoyage will continue to dedicate itself to people and the environment and will soon open a new branch in Freiburg (Germany) to continue developing its services.