"Using probiotic cleaners has significantly reduced odour in our animal reception centre"


"The odour of wild animals and their droppings is now much less noticeable in our help centre." Dries Damiaens, of the VZW Nature Help Centre in the Belgian region of Opglabbeek and his colleagues are very enthusiastic about Greenspeed's probiotic cleaning products."Our centre stays cleaner and fresher."

The VZW Nature Help Centre is the largest and most professional reception centre for sick and injured wild animals in the Euroregion. "We take in injured animals, take care of them and then release them", explains Dries. "Or we provide a temporary home for exotic animals and make sure they are given a new home in the right place." In addition to taking in animals, the centre's employees also try to make people more environmentally aware through education and promoting the benefits of nature. Greenspeed supports this effort and help for animals. That's why the company sponsors the reception centre with its cleaning products, because animals also deserve a clean living environment, without harmful substances.

Odour reduction

"For about four months Greenspeed gave us the opportunity to test their new probiotic cleaning products. We were interested, mainly because the products promised a reduction in odour." Dries quickly adds: "the results were very good. We are very pleased with these products. It stays clean and fresh much longer than when more traditional products are used. We use it for the care department, the quarantine quarters, all regular animal quarters and also for our offices. Very important: the animal smells have reduced significantly."

Easier to keep cleans

Every animal has its own droppings, and those droppings are accompanied by pungent smells. "As animal carers, we look after the maintenance of the centre ourselves, even the cleaning", explains Dries. "It is important to us that we and our animals live and work in a clean environment. Since we started using Greenspeed probio, cleaning maintenance has become much easier. Bacteria break down the organic contamination and restore the balance, which reduces the odour nuisance."

Sustainable results

The introduction of probiotic products primarily highlights one of the benefits at the Nature Help Centre: the reduction of odour nuisance. This is because the products consist of benign micro-organisms which deeply remove that organic contamination, which would otherwise have led to the formation of odours. Overall, the probiotic cleaners are natural products that deliver a clean result tackle odours, but are also safe to use and environmentally friendly.

Read more about the environmentally friendly benefits of Greenspeed Probiotics.

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